Working with Bill has given me a life I did not know how to have. Now I laugh and enjoy my life moment by moment; my past is my past and it has no part of my future. Life is sweet and as it turns out I am sweet too!
— Betsy, Client

Residing deep within each of us is a spiritual source of wisdom and knowledge that is far greater than our wakeful, conscious thinking or mind.

I believe that we, through you and your muscle testing (or kinesiology), can access guidance from your highest levels of spiritual wisdom or consciousness, to find and develop an effective path for change, tailoring it specifically to you.

Through muscle testing (if meeting face to face) we receive “yes” or “no” answers from your Deepest Wisdom Self. These questions are in a structured protocol. Based on the information obtained from you, we can then determine how to transform the situation to reach your intended spiritual goals for change and development. All the answers come from you, creating your own unique self-guided spiritual path.


Each session follows the structured protcols of Healing Key Way which are:

Create sacred healing space

This has been practiced by Indigenous and Spiritual Healers for millennia and is done, in this instance, as mode of invocation.


Find the highest priority intention for change

The “intention” is what you want to achieve or have different –your spiritual goal.


Determine what may need to be cleared

Clearing is related to removing invasive, oppositional energies.


Determine the Healing Keys

These are specific attributes, characteristics, experiences, gifts, knowledge, or blessings needed to reach your highest priority intention for change.


Determine how to access and develop the story connected to your intention

Stories get you into the correct location, in the energetic field, to apply an intervention. These stories may be actual or purely symbolic and can come in a variety of ways. These always come from you.

Determine and apply interventions

Interventions are used to change the energy field and how you respond to life situations. There are many kinds of interventions: tapping or holding, by you, of specific energy centers or meridian points on the body, clearing “chakras,” or energy centers, hand and eye movements, the use of sound with crystal or metal bowls, or something as simple as drawing. Sometimes the intervention needed is to clear non-material entities, which is done through a mode of invocation. Which interventions are best for you, come through you.


Learn the lessons imbedded in the session

The lessons that are best for you, come through you also. It is what you have learned as a result of what you experienced in session.